
Adrien Crossman August 11 – September 30, 2023 Closing Reception & Publication Launch: Thursday, September 14 | 7PM Please join us at for the closing reception of Adrien Crossman’s solo exhibition [now]here on Thursday, September 14 from 7-9pm. This is your opportunity to see the exhibition

Possibilities in Practice: Intro to VR

In this free, beginner friendly workshop participants will be given a comprehensive introduction to VR (Virtual Reality) equipment and softwares. Wednesday, July 19th | 6–7pmIn-person at Factory Media Centre (366 Victoria Ave. N, Hamilton ON) Throughout the workshop artist instructor Malitzin Cortés will focus on

Workshop: Live Immersive Coding

Live cinema coding with Tidal Cycles, Processing and Unreal Engine: A Workshop with CNDSD by Malitzin Cortés and Iván Abreu Tuesday, July 18th | 6–9pmMcMaster University’s Networked Imagination Laboratory (the NIL) located in Togo Salmon Hall (McMaster University, 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON) In


Malitzin CortésJune 15 – July 28, 2023 Closing Reception & Performance: July 20 | 7PM AUTO{}Construcción examines the challenges proposed to the collective imagination of the cyberpunk megalopolises of the future in the 60s, 70s and 80s have evolved and how these changes impact the architecture

Khaleel Gandhi: Open Studio

May 30 – June 5, 2023 Factory Media Centre is thrilled to present a culminating residency Open Studio from Khaleel Gandhi, one of our 2023 &NOW Artists-in-Residence. Filmmaking process have traditionally lacked a lengthy development period for actors and creative teams to experiment with form and content