Josephine Massarella: Retrospective

Date:  August 10, 2018 Location:  FMC – 228 James St. N., Hamilton, ON. Time:  7pm – 10pm   The Factory Media Centre would like to send condolences to family, friends and colleagues of Josephine Massarella who passed peacefully on June 22nd surrounded by loved ones. Josephine

Introduction to Adobe Illustrator Workshop with Madeleine McMillan

Starting July 23, and running until August 10, FMC will be offering a basic introductory workshop on editing with Adobe Illustrator for beginner vector based design editors – no experience necessary! Workshops run by appointment every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, during office hours between

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop Workshop with Madeleine McMillan

Starting July 23, and running until August 10, FMC will be offering a basic introductory workshop on editing with Adobe Photoshop for beginner photo editors – no experience necessary! Workshops run by appointment every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, during office hours between 11-4:30pm. This


July Art Crawl Performance Friday, July 13, 2018 from 7 – 10pm Free Admission Factory Media Centre is proud to host the performance duo ZEPHYR, with sounds provided by Adrian Cook and images provided by Sylvain Chaussée. Since coming on the scene in 2013, the

Films on the Fringe: Shorts Showcase 2018

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Hamilton Fringe Festival 2018 Films on the Fringe: Shorts Showcase Open to video work! Date: Saturday, July 21, 2018 ELIGIBILITY AND SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: The Hamilton Fringe Festival is looking for submissions for their “Films on the Fringe” event! They are currently seeking short films (24

Westdale Theatre Revitalization Fundraiser

Westdale Theatre Revitalization Fundraiser June 8th from 7-11pm and June 9th from 11-4pm at FMC Please join us this Friday, and Saturday for a special event organized by CoBALT Connects, as a fundraiser for the Westdale Theatre Revitalization Fundraiser, at FMC.  This exhibition will feature 30+ local artists working