Factory Media Centre is pleased to share that Kiera Boult will be joining FMC as our March – April 2022 Remote Resident Artist. Through this residency, Kiera will be developing a video performance piece titled “Hamilton’s My Lady”.
About the artist:
Kiera Boult is an interdisciplinary artist and performer from Hamilton, Ontario. Boult’s practice utilizes camp and comedy to skeptically address issues that surround the role and/or identity of the artist and the institution. In 2019, Boult was the recipient of the Hamilton Emerging Visual Artist Award. Her video and installation based works have been exhibited at Art Gallery of Hamilton, Trinity Square Video and Artcite Inc. She has performed in the Art Gallery of York University’s final Performance Bus, 7a*11D’s 7a*md8 – ONLINE, and the Art Gallery of Ontario’s First Thursday. Boult has participated in Life of a Crap Head’s Doo Red, 2019 special performance show presentation at the Toronto Biennial of Art, and in Killjoy’s Kastle Philadelphia, 2019 a performance and immersive visual art installation by artists Allyson Mitchell and Deirdre Logue. Boult’s work has also appeared in the Chroma Issue of Canadian Art, Peripheral Review and the “Brut Neuve ” issue of Blackflash. She holds a BFA in Criticism and Curatorial Practice from OCAD University and is currently Vtape’s Submissions, Collections & Outreach Coordinator.
About the project:
Hamilton’s My Lady parodies comedian and famous Hamiltonian Martin Short’s 2012 comedy special I, Martin Short, Goes Home. Similarly, Hamilton’s My Lady combines autobiography, cultural critique and comedy to take audiences into the often mocked and stereotyped world of Steel City. Beloved performance persona Kiki takes audiences on to the horizon of the New Hamilton, a utopia promised by urbanists, developers and city councillors. Audiences will visit historic sites of systemic failure, lightskin hubris and tourist attractions all while two stories of desire and identity run parallel. Hamilton’s My Lady challenges the utopic myth of a “New Hamilton” and answers the question “what does it take to make a Kiki?”.

A message from the artist:
“There will be a public screening and artist talk for the project ‘Hamilton’s My Lady’. In the artist talk I will present the research and references that inform the project while also providing the audience context to my earlier work which addresses gentrification. This would provide feedback from the community and begin a dialogue about this work with the community it addresses.”
About the residency:
FMC’s &NOW Production Residency is an opportunity for artists and creators to utilize the space and resources at FMC to produce a new work or continue a developing body of work.
Image credit: Hamilton’s My Lady by Kiera Boult, photo taken by Alex Jacobs-Blum
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