Starting July 23, and running until August 10, FMC will be offering a basic introductory workshop on editing with Adobe Photoshop for beginner photo editors – no experience necessary!
Workshops run by appointment every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, during office hours between 11-4:30pm.
This 1.5 hour workshop will get you started into understanding the basics of opening a new project and editing tools that will transform a photograph into a fully developed digital image. It is recommended that your supply your own image(s) but we can also provide an image to learn the basics, and create your own edited image. Registrants can join as new full members ($45/year), which includes a basic 1.5 hour workshop. You will also receive 4 hours of free practice time to work on your editing skills, with practice time being available for booking after August 17th. Additional instruction time can be arranged for $20/hour, and additional editing time can be purchased for $2/hour.
For members, the workshop instruction time costs $20/hour, with additional editing time which can be purchased for $2/hour.
For non-members or associate members, the workshop is $20/hour, which does not include the additional four hours of practice/editing time.
To book a workshop, contact Andrew at