Canada Media Fund
Convergent Stream
Due 2019 TBA:
Title: Development
Description: Supports projects at the development and pre-development stages.
Title: English POV Program
Description: Encourage one-off point-of-view (POV) documentary production in the English market. As part of the CMF’s Convergent Stream, projects funded must include content to be produced for distribution on at least two platforms, one of which must be television.
Experimental Stream
September 11, 2018:
Title: Commercial Projects Pilot Program
Description: Funding through a pilot initiative designed to support Canadian interactive, innovative and leading-edge digital media content and software applications which have an increased focus on potential commercial success.
September 25, 2018:
Title: Innovation Program
Description: Canadian interactive digital media content and software applications that are innovative and leading-edge.
November 20, 2018:
Title: Web Series
Description: Funding through a pilot initiative designed to support original, linear series, created initially for the web, in their second or subsequent season.
December 4, 2018:
Title: Accelerator Partnership Program
Description: Provide producers of digital media projects funded through the CMF’s Experimental Stream with better access to mentorship, market and capital.