Bawaadan Collective: Meet Cute

Meet Cute is a video series by Bawaadan Collective, a cooperative artist group dedicated to sharing contemporary Indigenous stories through film and media. In each episode, two BIPOC artists share stories about their experiences in Hamilton, the local artistic community, career highlights, challenges, and hopes for change. Co-presented by Factory Media Centre, Hamilton Artists Inc., and Hamilton Arts Council for Hamilton Arts Week 2024.

Check back soon for more Meet Cute videos!

Meet Cute #1 – Amber Kakiishiway & Carly Billings

Meet Cute #2 – Jessica Rodriguez & Lil America

About Factory Media Centre

Factory Media Centre is Hamilton’s not-for-profit artist-driven resource centre for film, video, new media, installation, sound art, and other multimedia art forms. Our mission is to develop and support a vibrant, sustainable, creative, and diverse community of Members and non-Members within Hamilton and its surrounding region.