The Annual General Meeting and Members’ Screening will be held on February 11, 2019 at FMC‘s office (228 James St. N.) starting at 6pm. The Members’ Screening will proceed after the conclusion of the AGM (sometime around 8pm) and we expect the screening will finish around 9pm.
The AGM will be your chance to get up-to-date with all of the exciting events and opportunities that have occurred at FMC during this past year and to participate in the future of FMC, as we progress through 2019. We encourage members to apply, vote, listen, learn and have your input regarding FMC and the media arts community in Hamilton. Light refreshments will be served.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Richele Sibolboro (completed two-year term)
Sean Procyk (completed two-year term)
Harold Sikkema (completed two-year term)
Katherine Di Marino (new member)
Sean McCormack (new member)
Bill Custers (new member)
Helene Asselbergs (new member)
Shane Pennells
Jim Riley
Bob Ezergailis
John Smith
Sandra Lim
Ben Dyment
Stephan Codenys

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