Factory Media Centre is pleased to share that Min Jung Hwangbo will be joining FMC as our January – February 2020 Emerging Resident Artist. FMC’s Production Residency is an opportunity for artists and creators to utilize the space and resources at FMC to produce a new work or continue a developing body of work.

Throughout this residency Minjung will be connecting with local musicians and creatives to create short videos and to have open discussions about the importance of digital content.
About the Artist:
Minjung Hwangbo is an interdisciplinary artist that took an interest to the fine arts in her late teens. She later came across the digital arts through a marketing position at local Hamilton businesses and is now discovering her practice. MJ has a love for music and planning to specialize in the field of music video production and directing.
About the residency:
FMC’s Production Residency is an opportunity for artists and creators to utilize the space and resources at FMC to produce a new work or continue a developing body of work.
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